Welcome to Martin Livestock
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We have buyers throughout the western U.S. that we sell cattle to. Our reputation for standing behind a deal is second to none. Interested in buying cattle? Click below or give us a call!
Work for Martin Livestock
Every one of our team members is an important spoke in the wheel. There is not one spoke more important than the other. For the company to be efficient everyone must work in unison for the end goal. Want to add to our team? Click below!
Gary Scheer
Cowboy – 13 years
“My name is Gary Scheer and I started working for Duane Martin Livestock in 2008. In my nearly 60-year career, I have worked for many reputable outfits throughout the U.S., and this is the best that I’ve ever been around. I feel fortunate for my time with this operation as the work ethic, camaraderie and quality of work is second to none that I’ve experienced. Employees on the UI crew bring a diverse set of skills to the table, and work flows smoothly even in high pressure situations. At no point do folks on the crew have doubt as to the protocols, what the rules are, and how things work. From processing, to calving and shipping, work is consistently smooth and very efficient. My experience over this time with the UI has also made it clear that the Martins do really care about their employees. Even in my older age and fighting medical problems, they have kept me on and found a place for me. I admire the courage and fortitude it takes in allowing us to work for an outfit like this, and I will always be grateful for the time I’ve spent riding for the UI."
Randy Williamson
Truck Driver – 9 years
“I read an article on how Duane Martin built Duane Martin Livestock. I was pretty impressed and intrigued by what I read. I heard he might be hiring and gave him a call. It was almost 9 years ago that the call led to a job and I stay because of the people I work for and with and the relationships that formed before and during my time here.
I take pride in being a part of a team that works each and everyday to do the very best we can to get the job done. It can be hard and exhausting work with long hours. It’s also rewarding and satisfying to feel that what we do matters and that we are valued.
There is plenty of opportunity to have a little fun while you’re working too. Step back, watch and listen as a group of cowboys process cattle. Watch and listen to a few truck drivers tell their road stories. Listen intently to what Duane is telling you, only to realize you’ve been had when he gets to the punch line.
Several times a year I have conversations with people at ranches, feedlots, sale barns or truck stops. It usually starts with a friendly greeting followed by… “Hey I know Duane Martin……”
Most all the stories have a common theme. Duane helped me with this or that….if it wasn’t for Duane I wouldn’t have been able to…… I asked Duane if he could get me a load and just about every week he finds me something…Duane’s been buying our cattle for years. He said he’d keep buying them as long as they were black….
I think the real testament for Duane Martin Livestock is the longevity of the people working for him and the work effort they put forth each and everyday. And also from the respect and appreciation from the people that do business with him each year.”
Joel Fleming
Cowboy – 9 years
“They took a chance on me, I had little to no cow experience. I have learned everything from identifying and doctoring cattle to pasture management. Definitely a riding job but it helps to be a jack of all trades.
No one does this job for the money, we do it because we enjoy the cowboy lifestyle, the camaraderie of the crew.”
Clayt Newbill
Cowboy – 5 years
"Duane Martin Livestock is dedicated to producing beef in a high-quality manner. They reinvest in their facilities, keeping them safe and top of the line. They value their employees and help them continue learning and improving. They are the best because they treat every aspect of their operation like it is the best."
Duane Jr
“ We produce (beef) for the people and we don’t want to produce anything that we wouldn’t let our own families eat.”
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